Thursday 25 August 2011

"The Crafty Kid" by Kelly Doust

My kids (especially my five-year-old) really love doing crafts.  We have a big craft box of their craft supplies, and they get used a lot to make everything from robots to fairies.  So when I saw Kelly Doust's book "The Crafty Kid" I figured it was worth having a look for some new ideas.

The book itself is well presented with clear instructions, big pictures, and a touch of personality.  I enjoyed just flipping through the book, and was inspired to start some new projects.  My kids and I made her feng shui bird mobile, and it turned out adorable.  They really like having it hanging up in their room.

It did seem to me, though, that for a book called "Crafty Kid", there were too many adult crafts related to kids rather than crafts for kids to do.  I expected more things that my kids would enjoy making themselves and with me, rather than a lot of things (adorable as they are) for me to make for them.  I think it might have more accurately been titled "Crafty Parent".  Also, there seemed to be an inordinate amount of projects involving oilcloth.

I'm glad I found this book, but overall I would say it's a good one to check out from the library (or maybe buy a second-hand copy) rather than paying full price for.

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