Wednesday 3 August 2011

"Jane Austen Stole My Boyfriend" by Cora Harrison

I admit that there's been a Jane Austen theme to my reading lately, and I've been reading both Austen's novels and Austen fan fiction.  (It all started back in March when I won a copy of "Confessions of a Jane Austen Addict".)  So although I'd never heard of this book or the author (Cora Harrison), when I saw the title on the shelf at the library, it was enough for me to bring it home.

The title worked to grab my attention, but isn't completely accurate to the book.  It's more catchy than fitting, but it does capture the light-hearted tone of the book.  "Jane Austen Stole My Boyfriend" is a fun romp through a story of teen romances and family dramas, society expectations and friendships, and--of course--it has a spunky teen Jane Austen.  It's not a biography, but the novel does have some basis in historical information.  It may not be the best novel you'll ever read, but it is a fun piece of fan fiction.  I enjoyed it for what it is.

For my full review of "Jane Austen Stole My Boyfriend" by Cora Harrison, click here.

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